Your garage door is a crucial component to your home, as it factors into not only the design, but also the security. You may feel that it’s time to update your garage door, but you don’t want to replace it entirely. At Precision Garage Door of Delaware, we’re here to help homeowners in Delaware and North Maryland learn all about the ways to update your current garage door.

Here are a few tips to help you out!

Update the Design & Appearance

Garage Door DesignSince garage doors can be pricey, finding ways to get more out of your current one can help you cut down on costs, especially during home renovations. But if you got new siding, or new shingles, you may want to accent the stylistic update by matching your garage door. Whether your garage door color has faded, or it doesn’t match with the new exterior décor of your home, you’ve got a few options:

  • Paint Your Garage Door: You’ll want to start by sanding off any rust or peeling paint. You’ll then want to brush a layer of primer onto your garage door to ensure the paint sticks and holds up to the elements.
  • Use a Gel Stain: Using a stain can be very beneficial because it allows you to alter the current color of your garage door, and you don’t need to put on a layer of primer first. Once you’ve got the first coat on, add a finish to help keep the color intact during turbulent weather.
  • Reface Your Garage Door: Since the hardwood look is in, you may want to jump on the trend and add a molding to your garage door to give it that rustic look without having to replace it.

Improve the Functionality of Your Garage Door Opener: Belt Opener vs Chain

Garage Door FunctionalityIf you’re happy with the style of your current garage door, but its functionality can be improved, you may want to consider updating the garage door opener. There’s a lot of heavy debates between the belt garage door opener vs. chain. Both have their set of advantages, but you’ll want to carefully consider which one is right for your garage door.

Belt garage door openers are pretty common, and also well-received. They’re more expensive than chain openers, but belt door openers have one crucial advantage: noise—or lack thereof. Since belt garage door openers use a rubber belt, they’re virtually silent when it opens and closes, making them a more pleasant opener.

Chain openers are one of the gold standard garage door openers. The chains are durable, and require very little replacing over the years. However, chain openers are pretty loud, and the noise isn’t the easiest on the ears if you’re in close proximity. If you enjoy knowing when your garage is being opened while you’re in your home, chain openers may be the right fit.

Contact Us at Precision Door Delaware to Help with the Updates

When it comes to updating your current garage door, you can easily do some of the tasks on your own. However, when it comes to installing/replacing your garage door opener, you’ll want to consult the professionals because the project can be demanding, complicated, and dangerous. When you’re ready, contact us at Precision Garage Door of Delaware for your free estimate so we can help you update your garage door!

At Precision Garage Door of Delaware, we’re proud to help homeowners in Delaware and North Maryland update, maintain, and repair their garage doors.